Willow Tree

Willow Tree is ontstaan ​​uit de wens van Susan Lordi om een ​​unieke vorm te creëren zonder overbodige details, waarbij emotie alleen wordt getoond via gebaren. Dit is de reden dat de beeldjes geen gezichtjes hebben. Dit maakt het ook ideale beeldjes om symbool te staan voor de verhouding tussen mensen, bijvoorbeeld door het samenstellen van uw gezin. Ook kan een beeldje symbool staan voor uw emotie naar iemand anders toe. Doordat de beeldjes geen gezicht hebben, is de kans groter dat er een uiterlijke overeenkomst is.

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  • Bright star
    Bright star

    “Bright Star can be a congratulatory gift to a friend or child; she can be a sparkly angel for the Nativity at Christmas time. Her star can reflect the shining personality or inner beauty of the receiver." —Susan Lordi

    € 33,00
  • New life
    New life

    "Willow Tree is a reminder of someone we want to keep close, or a memory we want to touch... I like for the viewer to become a participant in the understanding of the piece. It makes it more personal for the giver and the receiver…

    € 64,95
  • Guardian angel
    Guardian angel

    Willow Tree angels resonate with many cultures and ages of people. To some they represent protection, to some they are an outward reminder of inner peace, and to some they represent a way to remember those who have left this…

    € 32,95
  • My sister, my friend
    My sister, my friend

    “A sister can save your life. A safety net. You never laugh harder than when you’re laughing with your sisters... or very close dear friends. You share the same history; the inside jokes that no one else would understand in…

    € 65,00
  • Quiet wonder
    Quiet wonder

    “A quiet moment, when the pace slows and the present comes into focus, is when small wonders, such as the opening of butterfly wings, are revealed. I find energy in observing the rhythms of nature—the welcome happenings that…

    € 33,00
  • Angel of healing
    Angel of healing

    “This was the first piece that I sculpted in the summer of 1999. It came about intuitively, and so it was natural that the result ended up being very open to interpretation. The bird can be protection, comfort or healing. When I…

    € 33,00
  • Loving my mother
    Loving my mother

    “As I was sculpting this piece, I was thinking about being—there—for my mom in however she needs me. Realizing how much she did for us our whole lives, I feel good when I can return some of the same. All the meals, all the…

    € 65,00
  • Brother and Sister
    Brother and Sister

    “The sentiment ‘By my side’ alludes to the shared background we have with our siblings; the unspoken support and consistent presence that we often take for granted when we are children, but grow to appreciate as we age. It…

    € 53,00
  • My new baby 'blush'
    My new baby 'blush'

    "One of my favorite photos, taken long ago, is of my then-toddler daughter holding her newborn brother in exactly this pose. She is holding onto the baby with her entire body—her gesture communicating possession as well as pride…

    € 32,95
    28 - 36 van 80 resultaten
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